Monday 29 June 2009

Andy Murray and twitter

WawrinkaImage by mirsasha via Flickr

Ok the Andy Murray vs Stanislas Wawrinka game started at 6.30pm (just when I got home from work) and so I started twittering on it. Riggwelter said he was at a meeting and needed updates, so I did that. then came the 4th set where I tweet every score. i stopped doing it then Zammi asked me to continue. I did but then I discovered there is a limit to the amount of tweets you are allowed in an hour. and so my updates stopped being posted. So I am just watching the game now and hoping murray is just about to win the match in 5th set. Thats Murray just won, game set match final set 6-3 YYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.

Thank you to local_shop_girl, SophieLouiseJ, flic22s for your positive thoughts.
jdcrouch1972 us Scottish and british people did have andy murray win tonight. Ayse_london hope you dont mind using his real name on here.

Here is a BBC Report on the game.
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