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I also reduced the opening tired to 9-5 Friday-Monday and 10-5 Tue-Friday (after Steve agreed).
I went to go down for a quick pint in Cumnock Rugby Club last night and saw we only had 2 members of staff on, and it was busy. So I ended up working behind the bar for a few hours and getting a taxi home at midnight (as agreed with or rugby club president who was down then, I wasnt going to pay for it).
The night went quickly but we ran out a few things. It's been a while since I served behind the bar when it is busy. It got a little getting used to again.
On the computer front I have been on Absolute Radio a lot lately. I had a kudos level for rock god when I was there a number of months ago. I got down from level 10 to level 4, I think I am about 6/7 now and getting kudos is getting harder.
I have also been listening to Chris Moyles as normal and he did another karaoke with Rockaoke. Kirsty Crawford fronts that and a while ago I used to go to her gigs and after listening Friday morning, most of the performances they aired were as entertaining as me (you listening Snedwan). I hope this helps Kirsty's career anyway.
Its Cumnock Highland Games this weekend and I won't be there, but good luck to all.